the Unintend'o project
Here is a sample of some of the work done by the AP Computer Science Principles students in the 2019-2020 school year at Rancho Mirage High School. The assignment was to make a "Fabio" game to run on the "Unintend'o" platform. Students were required to enable four directional movements and two combination keystrokes. Most students chose the four arrows and combinations of these with the A and B keys. A few went above and beyond. (There was no requirement to provide a legend, so you'll have to figure out what's happening on your own.)
Sometimes the Scratch server at MIT gets stressed, and you'll notice latency. (The students tell me, "It's like ... laggy?...")
In these samples, you'll find some surprises, including Easter eggs. SFW, but turn down your speaker. Click the green flag to start.