Philosophy of Education

Our philosophy of education at C.A.R.E.E. Academy is to provide Emotionally Disturbed (ED) and Severely Emotionally Disturbed (SED) high school students with vocational education skill trainings that can be blended with regular standards based academics that are a direct link to real jobs within the workforce and which, according to the recommendations of the SCANS committee 2000 should be part of our focal point in work training for students.
By providing services to the local high schools in our district our teachers bring the experience of vocational education onto the school's campuses, thereby assisting the district in meeting the goals for pathways (academics crossing curriculum). We believe that by creating choices for students, students can learn vocational education and job skills that can be put to use in the real world and that are in direct correlation to jobs within the workforce. Likewise, students’ awareness is heightened, as is their selectivity for future employment. Moreover, students will earn the right to becoming competitively employed (apply for jobs within the mainstream society) swinging the pendulum towards the right side of the socio-economic ladder. While we strive to assist in meeting the needs of all students and their academic goals, we likewise seek to provide alternative trainings.